Healthy Habits to Fall Into



September is reminiscent of change. And routine. And as sad as it is to see summer go, that feeling of craving the familiar begins to set in. We once again become ready to find our flow and rhythm as the air takes a turn. And we know those warmer summer months make it easier to be outside and active and stick with lighter fare like summer salads which are all great for our health. But, there are other things that add weight to the waistline from May to September. Namely - cookouts and cocktails! Both are in overabundance during the season. So, how do you get back on track with reality once the season shifts now that you’ve lost your way? First and foremost, become conscious of your decisions. And then read on for four tips that will have you falling back into a healthy regimen in no time.

More plants, please!

Real talk here. Summer is screaming with backyard BBQs and cookouts. And no matter how healthy you tried to be (we all try, right?), the indulgences happened probably one too many times. Whether you’re a meat or potato chip eater now feeling the after-effects of too much sodium, or you couldn’t kick your sweet tooth when tempted by a whole table filled with treats, summer may have you feeling a little less than your best. Regardless, it’s time to face the facts and realize that this binging harms our health. And though it can be hard to stop cold turkey when it comes to anything, that seems to be the most effective way to do it regarding sweet treats. So, skip the sweets and get the sugar out of your system. After a few weeks, you’ll be surprised how your body no longer craves it. As for the rest of your diet, it’s simple. Start to crowd out specific foods like meat, dairy, or unhealthy carbs and replace them with…more plants! Real fruits and veggies are the true VIPs. Why? Because they contain vitamins and minerals that our bodies need! You will notice a distinct difference in how you feel once eating more of them. And the best part? No calorie counting or over-consuming when it comes to plants!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Easy peasy, right? It should be, but many struggle to fulfill their daily hydration needs! Simply put, we need more H2O in our life. And a lot less caffeine, sugary drinks, and alcohol. The parties tend to pile up when the sun’s out and the temptations can become taunting. It’s easy to sip seltzers or rosé on the regular because, well, it’s summer. Often, we need to pull ourselves out of the summer slump we’ve inadvertently put ourselves into. So, at your end-of-summer soirees or upcoming fall fests, have your water handy. Fill your hydro flask or Yeti with the good stuff - water! No one will even know (or likely even ask) at the party, and you’ll feel great all night (not to mention the next day). On the daily, keep up your intake by drinking half your body’s weight in water in ounces. (If you’re working out heavily, you may want to set your sights for even more.) But basically, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 75 ounces of water daily. You may not always get there, and that’s okay. Just keep at it, and remember all those fruits and veggies you’re now piling onto your plate? They’re high in water content as well! Win-win!

Move your body.

Do you and exercise often battle it out? Is it a total chore to get up and move? Can you spare ten minutes? Here’s a trick. Try committing to cardio for ten minutes daily. Go for a walk, get into a jog, hop on a bike, or just put on music and let go! Whatever you choose to do, commit to just those ten minutes. If after the ten minutes is up, you’re just not feeling it, great. Call it a day (and a bonus)! You just got in a ten-minute sweat that otherwise would not have happened.

On the other hand, if after that ten minutes is up, you are feeling good and want to keep going, then yes - mission accomplished! Keep at it and exercise out all of those endorphins. Before you know it, 45 minutes or an hour has passed, and you will feel great. Then, check that workout off your to-do list and tackle the rest of your day!

Give yourself grace.

We aren’t robots (thank goodness). Nor are we perfect, no matter how much we try. We are all just people trying to do our best. So, occasionally, we might falter. And when we do, save yourself the agony and stop dwelling. Instead, start fresh. A bad day or slip-up doesn’t mean we need to throw in the towel altogether. Instead, we brush ourselves off, pull on our big-girl or big-boy pants, and own it. Then, we remind ourselves that every moment offers us a new opportunity to begin again.

So, what do you say September? There are precisely four months left this year (more than enough time) to accomplish and check off goals that we didn’t get to. And it all starts with getting back into a routine and sticking with it. Let’s go!

Still feeling stuck and not sure where to start? Now is the perfect time to order an organic, cold pressed juice cleanse. Choose from 1, 3, 5 (or however many days you need) to reset and get the help you need to get your body - and your health - back on track. Do it with a friend for double the fun and the extra accountability! Order here today!

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