Spring Cleanup for Your Body, Mind, and Soul



’Tis the season for fine tune ups and the ultimate in spring cleaning. And if you think I am talking about your car or home, you're wrong. Decluttering is proven to decrease stress and depression, and though spring cleaning within your home is beneficial to your health (a clean home can help strengthen your immune system and help to avoid sickness), this isn't exactly what I had in mind. So, let's dig in about what it means to spring clean your body, mind, and soul.

Seasonally our health can change with the weather. Just as the dark, cold days of winter can bring on the blues, seeing new life bloom and things turn green can majorly boost our mood. With spring sprouting, there comes sunshine and lighter, longer days. That can be enough to get someone smiling. So as we begin to feel this seasonal shift, what else can we do to jumpstart our health goals? Maybe this all sounds a bit familiar but keep reading to find out.

Fill up with fresh fruit and veggies.

As winter takes us inward and has us grabbing for warm, calorie-dense, comfort foods to fill our plates, spring (and summer) are quite the opposite. More sunshine brings seasonal fruits and veggies such as berries, bell peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms. All are packed with micronutrients that our bodies need and crave. With the warmer weather comes more local farm stands and farmer's markets, where you can take advantage of shopping locally and eating healthy and organic when possible.

Opt-out of overindulging.

Though the warmer temps tend to bring with them lighter fare, it can be easy to get caught in the cycle of overindulging, especially with outdoor barbecuing and alcohol consumption. So be mindful of what you put on your plate (and in your glass) and think about covering half of your plate - yes, I said half - with veggies! From there, add your proteins and whole grains. Often there are limited options at those friendly BBQs but stick with the salads and fruit first. And don't get down on yourself if you splurge. We're human, it happens. Chalk up the loss and do better next time. Just don't dwell as that is never good for our mental load.

Get outside and move!

Lighter and longer days make it that much more inviting to get outside. Whether it is simply gardening or doing yard work - which can rack up some serious calorie burning - or maybe you prefer an after-dinner family stroll or bike ride, weekend hike, or a quick lunch-break jog.

Whatever your preference, getting outside not only wakes up our senses, but it can change our mood (for the better) and boost our vitamin D levels! Side note while basking in more sunlight - make sure you slather on a mineral sunscreen before soaking it all in! Mineral sunscreen (or physical sunscreen) acts as a shield on the skin's surface to reflect the sun’s rays. It consists of active ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Controversially, chemical sunscreen consists of potentially questionable ingredients such as oxybenzone and avobenzone. Chemical sunscreen absorbs the sun's rays and releases them into heat before releasing the heat through your skin.

Stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is another no-brainer but so often overlooked. And uber important, especially as temps heat up. As climate conditions rise, so do body temps and sweat levels. And as our body loses moisture through sweating, it can pose problems like low energy, fatigue, and headaches, hence why upping hydration levels is HUGE! Keep a refillable water bottle on hand throughout the day, and try flavoring it with fruit or (pure) electrolytes. You will be proactive by keeping thirst quenched and keeping hunger pangs at bay (which means you will be more prone to eatless). Win-win!

So, think of spring not only as a new beginning but as a complete reset for your body, mind, and soul. Break up with some of those bad habits you acquired over the winter months and step into the sunshine feeling renewed, restored, and reinvigorated. Create new routines that allow you to live your life at your absolute best. Be sure to set them in motion now as time flies, and before you know it, we will be right back to bust through those winter blues again. So, jump on the spring cleaning health train and get your body feeling its best!

If you really want to fuel yourself and jumpstart your health goals, consider a 1, 3, or 5-day organic juice cleanse with Juice On Main. The Main Street Juice Cleanse will replenish your body with the nutrients it needs, minus the toxins. Taking in only organic cold-pressed juice during your cleanse floods your body with nutrient-dense, enzyme-rich raw juice while deeply detoxifying the body and giving digestion a break. A great starting point for weight loss goals while also improving mental clarity, energy levels, sleep cycles, skin, and eating habits. Give yourself a break with all the benefits. Check out the Main Street Juice Cleanse today!