Boost Benefits


by April Pascarelli

If you are on a mission to put the purest foods in your body and receive the maximum benefits  (aren't we all?), then it might be time to explore what we have come to think of as healthy foods  and what is, in fact, good for you. 

As far as giving your body the best, think of putting foods in it that will fill you up and fuel you  with nutrients. Stick with superfoods, and minimal ingredients in packaged foods to get the most  bang for your buck. Listed below are six of the top superfoods boosts and the benefits of adding  these into your daily routine.

The Benefits of Superfood Boosts - Juice On Main - Medfield, MA - Mansfield, MA


The goji berry, also known as the wolfberry, is a fruit native to Asia and closely related to the  nightshade family. Goji berries have become a known name in the superfood world and come  with an impressive resume. These little red berry beauties show a link to supporting the immune  system and possibly protecting against cancer. Furthermore, they are known to promote skin  and eye health as they boast high levels of antioxidants, including zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is a  vitamin for our eyes that may protect against the harmful effects of light sources such as  ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Goji berries also potentially can prevent liver damage and  help to stabilize blood sugar. Plus, they may improve depression, anxiety, and sleep (much  needed with the societal pressures in our nonstop world today). 


A blue-green algae with quite the (good) reputation in the health food industry, spirulina comes  with an abundance of benefits. It is said to be one of the oldest forms of living life on our planet.  Thriving in oceans and lakes, this powerful plant soaks up many essential vitamins and  minerals. But in turn, it can also soak up other things, such as heavy metals. For this reason,  spirulina is often grown in a lab that mimics its natural environment, minus the toxins. Incredibly  high in protein, this superfood makes for a great potential aid for weight loss. Spirulina is quite  the package! Not only is it great for gut health, but it also reduces allergy symptoms (hello,  spring!) and can help to manage diabetes. Not surprisingly, it is associated with lowering both  blood pressure and cholesterol while boosting metabolism.


These days, matcha seems to be popping up everywhere. From coffee shops to ice cream, this  finely ground powder is creating quite the buzz. Most commonly found in East Asia, green tea  plants go through quite the prep before producing the powdered form of matcha that we know to  be consumed widely today. But once milled into this meditative-like flavoring agent, you will find  it in smoothies, lattes, noodles, and desserts. And its benefits are undeniable! For starters,  matcha is known for having high levels of antioxidants. Consuming a diet high in these free radical fighters may protect your body from cancer and heart diseases. Therefore, matcha may  instead boost heart health! Plus, studies show that matcha (in moderate amounts) may protect the liver and proves higher blood level markers of liver health. Lastly, one of the most known  traditional factors of matcha is its ability to bring on a sense of calm, and its effect on brain  function. Matcha pumps up phytochemical intake which turns up memory skills and increases  attention and reaction time. So, if you are looking for a mood booster or a little brain food, look  no further than matcha, aka., the all-natural chill pill. 


For thousands of years, maca has been cultivated and used for various reasons. It has created  a name for itself in medicinal purposes on topics from infertility to menopause. As with many of  these superfood boosts, maca is also a player in possible prevention against heart disease and  

cancer as it works in the fight against free radicals. Maca comes from the Peruvian  mountainside in South America and is another component for improving mood, memory, and  learning abilities. It may be a factor for enhancing athletic performance as it boosts both energy  and endurance. Maca can also help with fatigue and has a connection with increasing libido.  Like some of its other superfood friends, it has properties that may also reduce blood pressure  and the harmful sun damage that UV rays can do to our skin. 

Chia and Flax 

Last but not least are chia and flax. Both come from flowering plants, and both are chock-full of benefits. Chia seeds are native to Central and Southern Mexico and were most likely an ancient food used in the Mayan and Aztec cultures. Flax, also referred to as flaxseed or linseed, is a slightly larger seed native to the Mediterranean area to the Middle East extending out towards India. Nowadays, flax can be grown in several regions that have a temperate climate. Both superfoods are often touted for a ton of reasons. For starters, they both have qualities that will help to cut out curbside cravings. And considering both are very versatile, it makes them easy to incorporate into your daily diet. You can sprinkle onto your salads or oatmeal or mix into smoothies or shakes for a little extra goodness. Both seeds are high in omega-3s, which brings about a plethora of even more benefits including, heart, brain, and eye health (though chia seeds pack a bit more punch in this department). Both chia and flax seem to come with similar cholesterol-lowering agents, and both seem effective for lowering blood pressure and improving digestion. And when it comes to reducing one's cancer risk, these two super seeds both pull out all the stops. Chia seeds may reduce the growth of cancer cells while keeping other cells intact in the body. And flax is a source for lignans, or plant polyphenols, which have also proven to slow cancer cell growth.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, know your food and what is going in it. Be diligent when it comes to ingredients, and be sure to consume even some of the best of foods in modest amounts. Do your research - just like with anything - too much of a good thing can also have its downfalls. But for maximum nutrition and utmost potential, be sure to add more of these superfoods into your diet!