Secrets to Steering Clear of Cold and Flu Season


by April Pascarelli

Here we are, in the midst of cold and flu season, one year into a raging pandemic. Who knew a  year ago that we would still be trying to pull ourselves out from a world that has been flipped  upside down? 

The past 12 months have taught us many things. And a few basics have led the way. We know  that washing our hands frequently, not touching our faces, wearing our masks and social  distancing are a few things we can do to help prevent illness. For now, at least, until we are  looking at this virus in the rearview mirror. But once things return to "normal," how do we stay  ahead of sickness then? 

Here are some key points to help keep your immune system in check. 

Steering Clear of Cold and Flu - Juice On Main - Medfield, MA - Mansfield, MA

Eat (and Drink) Your rainbows 

This one is high up on the list. Remember that saying, "You are what you eat?” Well, it might sound like a cheesy line your mom threw at you to get you to eat your fruits and vegetables, but it’s true. Here’s the thing - the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in the food you eat provide the basis for so many systems within your body. From energy, to focus, to your skin and hair health, to your digestive system, to (ding, ding, ding!) your immune system, these nutrients are at the core of everything. And one of the biggest culprits when it comes to unhealthy eating is sugar. Sugar wreaks havoc on the body and can suppress your immune function while attacking the cells trying to fight off the bacteria and inflammation. And if you feel bloated, tired, lacking energy, or unfocused after filling up on some of your comfort food favorites, it’s not a phenomenon. Maybe you suffer from indigestion or an upset stomach? Think of how you feel when you fuel your body with real food. Perhaps, light and energized? And, assuming it is a food that works well for your bio-individuality, then it also probably makes you feel good! When you fuel your body with the best, it begins to operate at a higher performance. And when your body can perform at a lux level, it will have a fighting chance to ward off the bacteria that causes you to be sick.

Fill Up On Your Daily Dose of Vitamin D and Vitamin C

These two vitamins so often are confused for one another. Though they both come with different  benefits, they are both vital to boosting your immune system response.  

Making sure you get enough Vitamin D, or the “sunshine vitamin” will keep your body fighting  against foreign attacks. Your body produces Vitamin D naturally in response to direct exposure  to sunlight. Vitamin D is in foods such as salmon, canned tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms, and  fortified foods (cow’s milk and some non-dairy products as well as orange juice and cereals). If  you are vegan or live in areas with long cold winters and, more notably, shorter, darker days,  you should take an additional daily supplement as well. Vitamin D is crucial for growth from the  newborn stage throughout adulthood. It is necessary for bone and teeth development and  support as we age. Bonus: in addition to fighting off disease and sickness, it can also boost  energy levels and your mood! 

Vitamin C does not come from the sun but is found in many foods. Oh, hey again, fruits and veggies! Citrus fruits (oranges and grapefruits), mangoes, papaya, pineapple, kiwi fruit, cantaloupe, strawberries, red, green, and yellow peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoes are ALL great sources of vitamin C. It might sound like packing up and moving to a tropical island would be the best way to get your daily intake of nature’s best, but not necessary. (Though it does sound delightful, right?) Vitamin C is downright impressive with all of its benefits. It is known for boosting the production of your white blood cells (which reduce your body’s risk for chronic disease and infection), and has a role in so many other functions. From regulating blood pressure to a reduced risk of heart disease to helping your body absorb iron to protecting your brain and mental capacity, making sure you get enough of this little wonder should be a no-brainer.

Stay Hydrated

Getting adequate amounts of fluids is essential for good health. And necessary! By no means does this grant the green light to fill up on just any liquids though. Refrain from the sodas and sugary drinks and replenish on the regular with earth’s best, good old H2O. Water does double time working with your kidneys to help your body flush toxins and keep things moving within your digestive system. Additionally, it helps regulate your body temperature, and it keeps your joints lubricated (which helps to keep you flexible).

Get Up and Get Moving

While we are on the topic of flexibility, it is safe to assume that most people recognize the importance of exercise to staying healthy. Of course, it helps us maintain a healthy weight and reduces blood pressure while simultaneously improving cardiovascular health. And when you get your body moving, it also gives your immune system a natural boost. So, if one cardio session gets your blood pumping and your body’s systems in fight-mode against bacteria, imagine what a regular exercise routine can do for you. Go ahead - get off the couch, and jump on the (exercise) train, er treadmill, and elevate those endorphin levels!

Find Your Calm and Happy Place

Guess what? Once you feel that “runner’s high,” your brain takes an instant breather. And releasing endorphins also releases stress, which results in a positive feeling of well-being within your body. When your body sends SOS signals to your brain telling you to chill out, take the cues. Stress creates a hormone within our body called cortisol which can suppress your immune system. So, get rid of the stress by packing up your cortisol-induced cluttered mind and sending those thoughts and negative vibes on a permanent vacation.

Rest Up

Lastly, lacking in the sleep department is a surefire way to wind up run-down and sick. Skimping on sleep is not only detrimental to the way you function every day, but it begins to deplete your body of the healthy stores saved up. While you sleep, your body releases cytokines which are necessary to regulate your immune system. So as you start sidelining your sleep, your body’s ability to fight infection begins to go down. Do yourself a favor - tuck yourself in and set your alarm for approximately 8 hours later.

In Conclusion

As you can see, maintaining good health and preventing illness is a combined part of an overall healthy lifestyle. It isn’t a quick-fix or some miracle med you can take when you feel a cold coming your way. It’s a way of life that benefits from good hygiene to fueling your body to carving out me-time to find inner peace. Your body is the only place you have to live, so be sure to take care of that body!