How to Make Healthy Habits Stick During the Holidays



’Tis the season for traditions and togetherness. A time of tidings and joy. The hap-hap-happiest season of all, right? Well, it should be, but sometimes we need to take a step back and remind ourselves what this time of year is really all about. So often, we are swept away by the stress, busyness, and hustle-and-bustle of it all. And trying to maintain or create new healthy habits throughout the holidays (while making them stick) can feel impossible (especially when we are go, go, going and galavanting between parties). But, it is possible to get ahead of resolutions even before the new year. So why not get a headstart this holiday season without sacrificing your holly and jolly good times? Don’t throw in the towel just because it's December. Read on for some key components to getting you through this month and all the festivities. 

Plan ahead

If you know what is coming in the pipeline, plan for it. Schedule self-care time and stick to it, as there is no time when this is more needed than now. Lace up your sneaks and soak up a brisk 30-minute walk or jog, hit up that exercise class that you have put off, or hone down for a home yoga practice or meditation. Pamper yourself with a Friday night or Saturday morning at-home spa date or curl up in a cozy spot with your favorite book. Do the things you love that make you feel good. You need these things to help calm the chaos. 

In addition, do not skip meals. Stay on track with the foods you typically eat, and prioritize nutrient-dense foods. Santa’s sleigh can't run without its magic, just like your body can't run without healthy fuel! If you know you will be out and about, bring the snacks that keep you feeling your best. Think fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. The less processed, the better. And before you head to that ugly sweater party, gorge on nourishing goodies at home before splurging at the sugary sweets table.

Prepare your plate

Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year and the most packed-party season ever! Yet even with the eggnog flowing and visions of sugary treats running through your head, you can still stay on track. A wise man (or probably a woman *wink*) once said to fill your plate with nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables first before adding the whole grains and lean protein of your choice. By doing this, you guarantee that you will not forget these super feel-good foods! Whether you plan ahead and eat before you head to your bash or grab a plate at the get-together, this simple rule is always good to follow. Build your meal based around your rainbows (fruits and veggies), and go from there.

Stay active

Keeping up with workouts this time of year may feel exhausting but trust me, they are crucial! Not only will it help if you do end up overindulging - because face it, you probably will at some point. Plus, you will feel less guilty when you do - but it will work wonders for your stress levels. Not sure about you, but anytime I feel overwhelmed by it all - no matter what time of year - a good sweat sesh takes me away and reminds me to take a breather while letting some unnecessary things go. Our mental load around this merry time of year is a lot! And our caloric intake averages on the higher side. So, when you have finished wrapping presents and trimming the tree, take a time-out for a wintry workout. By the end of the day, your body and mind will thank you as you sing "Silent Night" and soak up sugarplums in your sleep! 

Aim for Balance

Another thought to keep in mind: this is not all or nothing. Just because you chowed down on a few Christmas cookies does not mean the world will end. Rather than be seen as a pitfall, think of it as part of the fun. We can bake and have balance too! Often, we get wrapped up in this all-or-nothing attitude. Just because we went overboard at our holiday office shindig does not mean that our health goals have to go down the chimney. We are not perfect - we are human. Focus more on long-term, sustainable health. If we deprive ourselves of too much, we are much more likely to cave. So, follow the 90/10 rule. If 90% of the time you eat the foods that make you feel good and flourish, then the other 10% of the time, make those adjustments as seasons (and holidays) allow! If 90/10 feels too rigid for you, make it 80/20. Whatever works for you so that the majority of the time, you are making the best choices for your health.

Be Mindful

More than anything this month, be mindful. Slow down in all the ways and stop to smell the, Challah? No, but seriously, linger a bit longer on the little things that make this season what it is. Notice the smell wafting through the kitchen while you cook. Taste the joy and love that has gone into each latke or every bite of that lasagna. Take a look and listen as you take in all the sights and sounds around you - the decorations, lights, children laughing, and the music! Stop to snag a snowflake with your tongue, or find your inner child and take the afternoon to go sledding or skating. These moments are what this season is all about! 

So, to wrap things up, plan out your plate and time, prioritize perspiring (as in exercise), stop being so hard on yourself, and at the end of the day, have fun! A few more reminders: Don’t sweat the stocking stuffers this season. Light the menorah and make memories. When Aunt Judy hands you her festive fruitcake, put it in the fridge with a smile. Enjoy family time and togetherness. And be proud of your health goals and accomplishments and how far you have come. Now is not the time to give up! Keep on keeping on, right into January…