Juice Cleanse FAQs


If improving your health, losing weight, gaining clarity, finding energy, or getting better sleep are topping your list for feeling better this year, then an organic juice cleanse may be just what you need. A cleanse can be a great way to kickstart your health and overall wellness goals. And not only will you detox your body from everyday toxins, but you’ll also reset your palate during the process (which often leads to healthier eating habits all the way around).

If you have been contemplating a juice cleanse for some time and still have questions before fully committing, we’re here. In the meantime, we’ve picked a handful (or two) of the most frequently asked questions to help you decide if a cleanse will work for you. Read on to find out.

Does organic make a difference?

To truly clear out toxins, trust us on this - go organic! A cleanse made with conventional fruits and veggies will only push out the toxin buildup in your body with more toxins. Sure, you’ll still consume more fruits and veggies with a conventional cleanse than had you not done one at all, but what’s the point if full of pesticides? Going organic is the cleanest and purest way to reduce pesticide exposure.

What do I need to do to prepare for a juice cleanse?

In the days leading up to your cleanse, be sure to hydrate! Slowly wean yourself from caffeinated drinks and limit sugary and processed snacks. Try and eat a diet that resembles the colors of the rainbow with your fruits and vegetables. Not only will this help to prepare you for your time during the cleanse, but it will help with resetting the palate and for your food prep for once the cleanse is over.

Can I exercise during my cleanse?

Stick to moderate exercises such as light walks, stretching, and yoga. Remember, one of the reasons to cleanse is so your body and digestive system can rest - strenuous exercise could negate some of the overall benefits. 

Can I still work while I cleanse?

As long as the work you do is not too taxing on the body, then it’s easy to cleanse while you work. (Otherwise, plan the cleanse for your days off.) And since your meals are your juices, you can take them with you - no prep needed! Who doesn’t love that?!

How do I know when is the best time to do a cleanse?

There may never be a “perfect” time to cleanse as our lives are always busy. But do your best and try to avoid a cleanse around events or engagements such as weddings and celebrations, work parties, or major holidays!

Can you have other things in between the juices?

Our Main Street Juice Cleanse comprises five juices and one nut mylk per day. To give the digestive system the most rest possible, we don’t recommend eating solid foods during the cleanse. You can supplement with herbal teas and be sure to drink plenty of water!

Should I be worried about protein during my cleanse?

Believe it or not, there is a good amount of protein in the juices, and even more in the nut mylks. Keep in mind that most people typically eat far more protein daily than they need so lacking protein during your cleanse shouldn’t be a concern!

What about headaches during the cleanse?

As long as you prep for your cleanse, you shouldn’t have an issue with headaches. We recommend weaning off caffeine before beginning the cleanse since a sudden halt could cause some to experience headaches. 

How do I begin eating again once my cleanse has finished?

Once the cleanse has ended, you can slowly reintroduce solids that are easy to digest. Think soft fruits, soups (especially during winter), and steamed or roasted veggies.

To wrap things up:

Take this as a sign if you’ve been on the fence about a cleanse. Let it be your time to shine. And time to take back your health, or give it the boost you have been wanting or needing!

’Tis the time for new beginnings, goals, and a fresh start. A blank page for you to write the next chapter in your story. And a clean slate to start anew with your health goals. Resolutions get a bad rep as they can be thought of as magical solutions to past problems, and are often short-lived. But rather than perceive it as if we are trying to “fix” something, why not change our perspective? Perhaps we are enhancing something this year that already is pretty fabulous, right? (And yes, that something fabulous is you!)  But, how the new year treats you will depend greatly on what you bring to the new year. So, are you ready to go after your health goals and start your organic juice cleanse?